We’d love to hear from you!

The Autonomic podcast is a production of Precocious LLC, and made possible by support from listeners like you. If you have any questions or comments about our show, please have a grown-up e-mail us at info@precocious.pizza.


How old do I have to be to listen?

Our show is family-friendly, so anyone can listen to it, even grown-ups! However, we recommend that you get a trusted adult’s permission.

I love your show! How can I support Autonomic?

Thanks! We will be launching a Patreon that will help fund the show soon. We would love to have your support! In the meantime, you can help us by leaving us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show, and telling your friends and family about it.

What role-playing game system are you miscreants using?

We are using the Bryte System, used in Burn Bryte and owned by Roll20. We’ve put our own spin on it.

Can kids send in art and letters?

People of all ages can send in art and letters, whether through the internet or through snail mail. Please e-mail us at info@precocious.pizza, or send it via snails to our PO Box at 3750 N Kedzie Ave, #18199, Chicago, IL 60618. Please also let us know if it’s ok for us to share your work with other fans. Unless we hear otherwise, we won’t share your work anywhere, but we’ll treasure it always.

I’m worried about these kids!

That’s not a question, but we understand.